

This study was conducted in a greenhouse to evaluate the influence of
Phosphorus homeopathy dynamizations and doses of termites mound net on absorption of phosphorus in sorghum plants. The experimental design was completely randomized
in a factorial 4 x 5, with four replications, whose factors were four levels of material of
the card (0, 25, 50 and 75 g dm) and five levels of dynamizations of homeopathy Phosphorus
(0, 6, 12, 18 and 30CH). The doses of nets material were homogenized of soil, put in plastic pots, which were grown, after thinning, nine plants of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) during 60 days after the sowing.
Volumes of 1 mL of each homeopathy Phosphorus were solubilized in 1000 mL of
water and this solution were applied weekly 250 mL per pot until the next harvest.
After harvest, it was evaluated in shoot dry matter the P concentration and accumulation
Onlyhomeopathy Phosphorus influenced significantly (p <0 .01="" accumulation="" adjusted="" and="" concentration="" dry="" equations="" estimated="" font="" in="" increasesin="" matter.="" p="" regression="" relation="" shoot="" the="" throughthe="" were="">
to the controlby applications of homeopathy Phosphorus30 CH.It can be concluded
that linear increases in the P concentration and P accumulation in shoots of sorghum
occurred by levels of dynamizations of homeopathyPhosphorus

  Homeopathy has been present as a great resource with regard to plant
disease control as it not only represents less costs to farms, but also has shown great
results while reducing environmental impact. The aim of this study was to evaluate the
control of gray mold using homeopathic solutions of Sepia and Arsenicum in dynamizations of 6, 12, 24, 36 and 48CH. As a control treatment were used water and 30% hydro alcoholic solution (ethanol). It was evaluated the number of micro sclerotia and mycelial growth. The experimental design was randomized blocks with five replications, and used the Tukey test at 5% probability, to compare the mean. For mycelial growth, the better treatment was Sepia 6CH that reduced 34% the fungal growth. In spite to the number of micro sclerotia, just the control treatment with hydro
alcoholic solution was efficient, with a reduction of 73%
Some specifics for homeopathic remedies if anyone is able please:

1. If a cow has a bad case of hoof rot and no exterior lesions on or near the hoof for access to the hoof rot in the interior of the hoof - how would you treat it? The alternative if left untreated might be to simply shoot it before the hoof falls off.

2. If a horse receives a bite from a black bear and the wound is approximately 12 inches long 4-6 inches deep, approximately 5 inches wide and heavily infected and the animal is feverish - likely to go down in less than 24 hours how would you treat it? Same potential alternative here if not treated.

And finally;

3. If there is a potential problem with Black Leg in the soil on your ranch how would you prevent it from infecting your cattle? (Black leg is fatal to cattle and can be found in the soil of farms and ranches all over the world)

Any specific advice on treatment appreciated .

I will give it a go with the following remedies. But keep this in mind, the best treatment is determined by what you have with you. When somebody ask you what is the best weapon for self
defence ? I say the weapon that you have with you when the need arise.
1.Cow with hoof rot. I will try the following remedies.
A: Silica/Tissue salt no 12. If there is infection it will bring the puss to drain, will help to clear the infection and inflammation in the area.
B: Hepar Sulph. Will support the action of Silica. Hepar sulp is indicated were a lot of pain is experienced. Moisture will also be a factor that aggravates the hoof rot, Hepar Sulph will also help in moist conditions.
C: Rhus tox helps for painfull, swollen, hot joints which are sore to the touch, shows extreme restlessness -in wet conditions.

2.Horse with bite wound.
A: Immediate treat shock with Aconite 200. + Stahpisagria 30 1 dose.
B: Hypericum for pain and for deep wounds. Every 30min.
C; Calendula 30 for heavy bleeding wounds and were infection is likely. Every hour for 6 doses. 4x per day for 3 days. If wound can be dressed, apply Calendula to the dressing.
D: Ledum 30 immediately after injury, 3 to 4 X a day .
E: Hepar sulph 30 - Hourly for 6 doses. 4 X a day for 2 to 4 days.

3.Potential Black leg in soil. How to prevent animal get sick. Not easy to give recommendation without being their or having a pofile of the soil and the problem. But this may be a way to approach Black leg on a farm.
A: Start with soil analysis. Determine deficiencies in soil and the pH.
B: Back leg in soil - let soil lie fallow for 1 year, and keep animals of that area if possible.
You can link all rots of plant to Black leg.
C: Calcium uptake or availability is normally a reason for this problem. Lack of Calcium = calcium low or soil to acidic or NPK levels to high
D: Homeophatic remedy Lapis Albus can be applied. The potency and application method will be detriment by when somebody physically asses the condition.
Lapis we address the problem with Calcium uptake when sufficient calcium is available.
This remedy must be used with caution, give it 1 dose normally at 6C potency.
Other remedies that may be applicable is Ammon carb, Calcarea carb, Chamomilla, Kali carbonica, Silica, Natrum silicoflorium. If roundup was used in the soil test for glyphosate levels. A good dose of Humic acid may also help the soil to recover.
Humates in the cattles diet may also help them to cope in this situation.


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