Seed Treatment

Field beans are treated with an application of castor powder and chilli powder.

    Red gram is soaked overnight in a paste of red soil and dried in the shade to reduce insect damage.

    Paddy seeds are treated with a salt solution, washed twice and thoroughly dried till they are totally free of moisture. This helps to separate the healthy seeds from the chaffy ones. It also prevents fungus during storage, enhances germination and prevents seed borne diseases at the seeding stage.

    Pulses and cereals are treated with the application of red mud paste. The seeds are dried and stored in gunny bags with neem leaves to protect them from insect infestation.

    Different crops are stored at different temperatures - sorghum seeds are dried in the sun and stored while still hot. Lablab seeds are dried in the shade and stored in gunny bags while cool. Alternately, they are exposed to the sun and mist prior to storing, usually during the Ugadi festival.

    Seeds are treated with castor oil, neem powder and custard apple leaf to prevent pest infestation during the storage period.
    Sorghum grains are treated with sulphur and stored in airtight gunny bags sealed with cow dung.

    Food grains are treated with salt water and dried thoroughly to preserve them.
    Seeds treated with dung and cow's urine mixture(urine of a 7 month pregnant cow is considered to be the best) will enhance the root growth, germination and prevent the disease at an early stage.

    Seeds of lady's finger and beans soaked in water overnight before sowing leads to early germination and vigorous growth.

    Add 2 tsp. of ash and 1 lt. of water mixed thoroughly; soak vegetable seeds for 2 hours in this solution. Decaying of seedlings at germination stage can be prevented.
    Compound asafoetida treatment for millets is very effective against blast disease.
    Groundnut seeds are treated with an extract of neem seeds, agave strips and cow urine against diseases like seed rot, root rot, wilt and pests like ant and root grub.

    All types of vegetable seeds, fruit crops and food crops can be treated using biofertilizers like Trichoderma and Pseudomonas.
    Pigeon pea seeds are mixed in a solution of rhizobium culture with jaggery and dried under shade before sowing. This treatment helps in enrichment of soil fertility by symbiotically fixing the atmospheric nitrogen in root nodules thus reducing the application of nitrogenous fertilizer to the crop.


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