Tomato Cloning

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Tired of growing something from the seed? Are you looking for a short cut to gardening?
Well, you are on the right link. Tomato cloning is something which is very easy to do and can become an addiction at a later stage. Exercise caution in cloning your tomato plant; otherwise in no time you may end up having only tomato plants growing in your garden .
The procedure is simple and the pictures you see will tell you the method that I followed to clone my cherry tomato plant. Some important points to keep in mind.
1. Pick up the sucker that is really healthy and at least 4-6 inches long
2. Snip it carefully and push it in a small container which has the soil with moderate moisture.
3. Leave the pot in a shade 5-7 days until you see the plant start sowing the signs of growing with new leaves.
4. Remove any flowers forming at this stage and encourage the plant to grow further in the same pot.
5. Move the pot to a the sunny location after the plants starts showing the signs of growing (7-10 old)
6. Transplant the clone when it becomes 20-25 days old in a bigger pot. Make sure you transplant it 2-3 inches deeper than its original pot where it was growing. This will encourage the plant to grow a good healthy stem and root system.
7. Give support to the plant as it starts growing with a stick or rope and encourage the plant grow taller. Remove the suckers if you find them.
8. Water as per the plants growing need,
9. Hold the newspaper in hand and coffee mug in the other hand; Sit back and relax.
I got my first cherry tomato this morning from the cloning method. 
Major problems faced: Caterpillars and major flower drop. But the plant recovered and doing good with hundreds on flowers on the plant today. 

Hariram Pagadala Sreenath


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