Healthy Soil Facts

      10 facts about Healthy Soil demands a need for sustainable food system.

1. It takes 2,000 years for natural processes to make 10 centimeters of fertile soil from bedrock. We are loosing 24 billion tons of topsoil every year. due to bad agricultural practice and erosion.
2. If you want your soil to be healthy, then you should not see it that often. Keeping the soil covered all the time makes sense when you realize that the microorganisms living in the ground need food and protection to survive—just like other living creatures.
3. Maintaining diverse forestry systems—forests that contain different types of trees—is an effective way to keep soil healthy.
4. Fence rows usually have the healthiest soil on farms. Tillage reduces organic matter content and increases erosion because tilling soil causes pores to collapse and seal over.
5. One hectare of healthy soil contains 15 tons of organisms, equivalent to the weight of 20 cows.
6. Healthy soil with high organic matter can store 20 times its weight in water. Retaining water is crucial for improving resilience to droughts.
7. If the top six inches of soil had just one percent of organic matter, then soil could hold approximately 27,000 gallons of water per acre.
8. Approximately one billion bacterial cells reside in a single gram of soil.
9. 16 nutrients are essential for plant growth and living organisms in the soil. These nutrients are categorized as either macro- or micro-nutrients. Both categories are crucial for plant development, but macro nutrients, like carbon and nitrogen, are the most important.
10 Sustainable soil management has the potential to produce up to 58 percent more food!


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